Prophecy & Eschatology
Watch and Pray: An Overview of End-Time Events ~ a sermon (PDF) by Joseph Rector ~~~ New as of September 7, 2015
Adobe Acrobat document [77.0 KB]
Watch and Pray by Joseph Rector ~~~ New as of July 2015
Troubled Theology: Adventist Eschatology in Light of Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19-21 by Joseph Rector
Q & A on Dispensationalism: A Message to Our Former-Adventist Friends by Joseph Rector ~~~ New as of January 2015
The Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth by Joseph Rector ~~~ New as of February 2015
The Sixth Seal of Revelation According to Ellen White by Joseph Rector ~~~ New as of August 2015
Adobe Acrobat document [91.9 KB]
We highly recommend the following resources on the topics of Bible prophecy and eschatology:
The Importance of Premillennialism by Dr. Norman Geisler
Jewish Wedding Customs and the Rapture by Dr. Renald Showers, as featured on the John Ankerberg Show
Videos on Paul Beck's YouTube channel and his Web site (The 4-part series of sermons by Pastor John MacArthur is a good place to start).
Short overview of Dispensationalism by Pastor John MacArthur
Islam in the End Times sermon excerpt by Pastor John MacArthur
Pastor Gary Inrig's "Revelation!" Bible studies (video and audio)
God's Plan for the Ages by Dr. David Reagan
Dispensationalism by Dr. Charles Ryrie
Days Handbook by Dr. Robert Lightner
The Return: Understanding
Christ's Second Coming and the End Times, edited by Drs. Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy
Three Views on the Rapture: Pre-, Mid-, or Post-Tribulation, edited by Dr. Stanley Gundry